Whilst it’s not always a bad thing to travel on foot, taking in the scenery and coming across new places, can be a pretty tedious task, especially for veteran players who are already familiar with the map and know where they’re trying to go. With this Mod, however, searching for a signpost is a thing of the past. Normally for fast travel, you need to be near one of the multiple signposts that are scattered around the open world. To download them for yourself simply search for the Mods you like the look of in Nexus and go from there or simply click the link in the description below. To keep things simple all these Mods can be found on. This list is comprised of mods that make the game even more enjoyable, some are simple cosmetic mods whilst others tweak features of the gameplay in one way or another to make it work just that little bit better. The game received universal acclaim for its unique characters, impressive scenery, and top-notch storytelling but nothing is ever truly perfect and The Witcher 3 is no exception.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is famed for its extensive open world and enrapturing storyline.