In Warbandthe player can create their own kingdom and give vassalage to their companionsthus allowing them to have their own army. They can be restored if you want to be friends with them again by allying with another faction, however your honor will stay the same. Breaking your oath will result in a large drop of honor and relationas well as making enemies with all of your previous faction. You will also be given the option to choose a Bannerif you don't already have one. When swearing an oath to a king, the king will bestow upon the vassal a fiefwhich will be the current poorest village in the faction's territory. The player can become a vassal by swearing an oath to a king or by marrying into the family of one of his vassals. There are many vassals in the game, each one aligned to a certain faction. A vassal is a servant of a rulerand are usually lords of castles and villages. Pb_user_ / Octo/ Mount and blade warband noble companions / commentsĪ group of vassals following their Marshall.